This year has been transformational for Exodus International—one that has tested, grown, and strengthened us. We’ve made tremendous gains for the Kingdom that have positioned us to bring a greater understanding of the Father heart of God to a starving world in need of Good News. We are grateful for this year and we look excitedly to the future and pray you will continue on this journey with us.
We began the year determined to make some changes. Our core beliefs have not changed, and will not change. Yet with an ever-changing world and spiritual landscape, we must be flexible, while remaining faithful to the Gospel. Some companies try rebranding old products by simply repackaging, but we found that Exodus needed more than just a facelift; it needed some significant modifications.
Most people believe Exodus is here to help people change their behavior. I understand why that misconception is out there; we’ve tended to highlight that over almost all else. In my opinion, the emphasis on behavior modification for people with SSA has come at the expense of discipleship. The use of therapy and psychology to change orientation, and its promise to cure, has eclipsed and devalued our calling as believers to live a life of daily surrender that may include suffering as a part of our experience as aliens of this world.
Though there once was an over emphasis on behavioral change, now more than ever, Exodus is a ministry focused on discipleship and Christ. We are dedicated to the only One Who can truly change who we are and impact what we do. We want to transcend the moral debate—is homosexuality right or wrong; do people need to change their attraction to be true Christians—and simply point people to Jesus. He must be the answer.
So, as we move into a new season, era and year we will prioritize:
- Media – I believe social media and both secular and Christian media are essential mediums for our gospel-centric message of whole-life transformation.
- Partnerships – The ministries, counselors and churches within the Exodus association are vital to our work. In 2013 we will seek to expand our partnerships to other frontline people and organizations that might prove helpful—with books and resources, to broader help beyond a specific niche of homosexuality.
- Conferences –Conferences are in our blood and we do them incredibly well. In 2013 we are adding an additional Freedom Conference—similar to our summer conference but one day shorter. By 2014 we hope to have three Freedom Conferences for those who want more or who find one time of year better than another.
- Resources –We have begun a weekly online video series called the Exodus Week-End Review to provide more information about what’s happening at Exodus and what resources are available to you. We will do more like this and write new resources that will provide answers, education and hope.
- Millennials –At Exodus we know reaching younger generations is essential. We want to help them do better than we have and we can. We want to serve and steward the resource of young people so they become the most successful generation the world has ever known.
- Equipping – The Church should be the first place people want to go to for help in their time of need. With some encouragement and equipping, Exodus, through all we’ve learned and experienced, can help the Church in this vital area. We plan to offer ourselves as consultants to the Church through our Equipping Events, staff retreats and one-on-one help for pastors and leaders.
- Defining – People are confused about homosexuality and God’s Word. They don’t understand how to live biblically and love non-Christians and prodigals, as Christ does. Exodus wants to add to and improve the conversation rather than be another voice of confusion and ambiguity. We will endeavor to define terms and clearly share through our website, conferences and resources.
- Evangelism – We have a desire to share the real Jesus with those who don’t know Him and with those who have journeyed away from Him. Exodus believes in the message of redemption for all. We won’t shy away from speaking truth. But we won’t fight people, either. I believe Exodus must love people where they are, in their sin, and encourage the Church to do the same. In so doing I believe our ministry of love will lead many to pursue God and find true freedom.
Because of the cultural climate of hostility and indifference, we need your help. You can help that one young person living in shame, doubting God’s love for him, to find a new identity in Christ. You can help the hurting mother learn how to cope and love her gay-identified daughter. You can help church leaders minister a message of love, grace, and hope to a sexually confused world. Partner with us this next year and join the Exodus legacy. Take a look at the rest of this newsletter to discover how you can help.
Merry Christmas,
Alan Chambers